12 thoughts on “What ya reading?

  1. Flavia says:

    I’ve been in a book reading slump for about 2 weeks ๐Ÿ˜ฆ
    But before that, I was reading Grim Lovelies, Jack of Hearts (and Other Parts), and The Devil’s Thief! I’m also currently reading the Jughead comics because of my Riverdale addiction haha.

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      • dragonsandzombies says:

        I think it’s good to read them chronologically. even though every story is a stand alone. But you get a little more character introduction & world-building.

        I’d say start with either ‘Guards! Guards!’ (introduces us to the City Watch). ‘The Color of Magic’ (introduces Rincewind and the wizards), ‘Wyrd Sisters’ (witches!) or ‘Mort’ (focuses on DEATH)

        Those are all his earlier books and a good starting point if you ask me ๐Ÿ™‚

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